My LifeStories
We have created the impact measurement tool My LifeStories to capture children and young people's own experiences of their life situation.
The tool allows us to adapt and streamline work in socio-economically vulnerable areas based on data.

New version launched in 2023
In June 2023, Save the Children launched a new web-based version of My Answers. The concept is the same, but the questions have been further developed in collaboration with children and young people in Save the Children’s programmes and researchers at Uppsala University.

The tool that measures
social sustainability
More and more organisations recognise the importance of ensuring social sustainability in their operations. But measuring and monitoring social sustainability efforts can be complex. Unlike environmental sustainability, social sustainability has until now been more difficult to measure in absolute and quantifiable terms.

Five focus areas
My Answers examines five focus areas. The areas have been developed by young people and quality assured by Uppsala University.
Work and sustainable livelihoods
Housing and living environment
The tool allows you to measure your efforts at three interlinked levels: societal change, individual development and at the activity level.
In this way, you can accurately monitor all your activities and ensure that they have a satisfactory impact on your target group.
We work on the basis of a partnership model
Through a partnership model that spans across sectors and is based on the needs of residents, we are working towards a more inclusive society, with each stakeholder contributing their specific expertise.
With support from

Book a demo
Are you curious about impact measurement and what My Answers can do for your organisation? We're looking for partners to join us on the journey.
Contact us to find out more.